Everyone loves BigW. Nobody talks about BigW like they talk about Target or Myer, but make no mistake- Everyone LOVES BIGW.
there was an office chair on sale at BigW for $50 -it was prob retailing at $100 before the sale. and today i went to riverton forum to buy it. IT WAS SOLD OUT. fine so i call up livingston and its sold out there too. im not even gonna call up the other stores because they are WAYY too far. but seriously WHAT THE HELL>! We need more BigW's around here. thankfullyyyyyyyyyyyyy speaking, they are building a BigW here in Gateway shopping centre soon and SO THEY SHOULD! i live literally 2mins away from gateway so its awesome. mayb if Esprit comes here too i'd be able to get a transfer. man... that would soooo be the ultimate dream i could like wake up 20mins before my shift and get to work while everyone else needs to come from mt lawley or wherever loser place they live in. The thought of that makes me drool.
anyway when BigW is built, im so going there EVERYDAY. bigW is AWESOME! mayb their fashion section isn't too great but EVERYTHING ELSE OWNS! i could like live there. Target just seems cooler these days because of their flashy ads. but bigW doesnt need that kinda upmarket advertisements to be known. EVERYONE KNOWS BIGW IS COOL!
SO if you havn't noticed, i'v been uprooted from my cosy, shitty-looking, super convenient home in Willetton to the whoop-whoopish country of SUCCESS. i say country because it feels completely different here. Willetton was so central, it was like a stone's throw away from EVERYTHING -and i do mean everything. Everything i love is there. Thinking about it makes me feel depressed. Who would've thought moving 12mins away could change your life forever? why didnt anyone tell me what i was in for? why wasn't i aware of the mental preparation i should have had? i feel isolated here. i am constantly inhibited by the fear of being left out of the loop. the loop that consists of all my friends who live less than 5mins away from each other. the loop that allows all of them to tap into each others lives effortlessly. the loop- where such convenience (i've come to realise) is taken for granted.
But what can you do? secretly im quietly hoping my friends would come visit me. im quietly hoping they'd still ask me out. i'm quietly hoping they'd welcome this place more than i did when i arrived here. i swear to God if any of them complains about how far i live, i will kill them. at least they dont have to travel the distance. i'm quietly dreading the inevitable conversations that will go "awhh you live so far away now...." me: "sigh, yeah i know..." like SHUT UP ALREADY. If you really care about me, you will still drive HERE to see me. thats until i get my license. ohhh when that day comes..... the first thing i'll do is drive to ALLLLL the places that i put on my 'when i get my license im so coming here' list.
ANYHOOOOOOOOO! ENOUGH DEPRESSING TALK. strange... no1 talks to me when im 'online' but as soon as i go on 'away' ppl start talking to me as if i wasnt online before? GREAT news (for me mainly) I CAN REVERSE PARK GOOOOD!!!!!! WOOOOOOOSA! cant wait to show daroush on tues. he'll be uber impressed and he better say 'okay you're ready to take your test now' and i'll be like "FINALLYYYYYYYYY" (after i've spent like a gagillion dollars on you!)
Going back to the bad shower issue, okay so the new shower isnt so bad. its not bad at all. lol
i've got awesome slippery floors to slip and fall in the most tragic way. haha just joshing! i've got awesome slippery floors to boogie on. dancing in the shower has never been better. im still too shy to sing in this shower tho. maybe tomorrow...
love love
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1 comment:
omg ur layout has changed!! it's been a while dino! oh and love your super-fast-drying-glue exploits. it makes my day after studying. oh and my sis is house hunting in success! so we kinda realised its like only 15mins away if the freeway is good which is pretty much how long it usually takes for me to get to your willo house by leach highway. so no biggie! wats ur address btw? we gotta hang after exam n go get pissed drunk nxt sat when it's all over k! luv spam!
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