Tuesday, June 5, 2007

ESPRIT- The world is our culture.

Sitting here totally kills all my blogging inspirations. and i'm not going to describe the setting to you because it's rather pathetic. PERHAPS i'll let your imagination decide what a 'pathetic' place to blog is. if they come close to JD's crazy imagination journeys- do tell.

Anyway haven't blogged about real stuff in awhile. the previous few blog entries have been awful awful rants about absolute CRAP. so in an effort to balance out the 'bad chi' (because im totally into fengshui and YINGYANG stuff.. NOT) Ps. how cool is that men's toilet!? found it on google while searching for pictures of men peeing. before you raise that eyebrow and think dirty thoughts I NEEDED TO DRAW A FIGURE OF A PERSON PEEING IN MY PUBLIC TOILET DESIGN FOR FOLIO! HAH. anyway i erased the man out. he looked too awkward... on that topic, doing folio this semester has proved to be the most fun yet! ASH and i prob had TOOOO much fun spilling m&m's all over her bedroom floor, fantasizing about maccas-turned studio, performing leg-clapping alternatives and attempting to write with a pencil attached between our beanies and heads. and using one of her MANY uber cool m&m's dispenser. oh oh did i forget to mention staying awake for 2 nights in a row? in between all that serious line-drawings and CRAZY-AS rush of model making, we managed to let loose alot of lunacy- which you may not understand unless you know what its like to not sleep for 2nights in a row. lets just say humans were made to need sleep. how many hours is that anyway? i always get this wrong so you do the math. so we were up since wed morning and i didn't sleep till fri night at 1ish am. Adding up all the mini power naps i took prob comes up to 3-4hrs in the span of those 3days. not bad eh? PLUS we didn't have any of that caffiene or redbull shitznitz so effectively speaking WE ARE SUPER BEINGS! *super being five*
Although, it was a tad mind-boggling staying up for that long and having to witness asha's family wake up super early in the morning to go to work and still be in the same room in the same exact spot when they came back from work. And comes bedtime, everyone turns in except for ash and i who are desp trying to get mentally syked up for another 10 hours of drawing before watching them wake up to go to work again the next morning. its like everything is in slowwwww motion and you're watching other ppl's lives happening in front of you (much like watching a movie- except a realllllly long one) and they are doing all these things while your life comes to a halt with no eating or sleeping patterns.
KUDOS TO THE MUSE for keeping us awake and going for at least 2 hours before resorting to the backstreet boys which totally killed the DONT-FALL-ASLEEP, KEEP-DRAWING mood. i have nothing against the BSB but they are the worst music to listen to when you're trying to get work done. The 10 or so other albums we listened to were great, but all hope vanished when the laptop died in the middle of that depressing jaded song (forgot the name) that had lyrics like "whats the use of trying? love doesn't exist... nobody will love me anyway.." seriously SHUT UP.
If you're into model-making (which i highly doubt unless you're a freak/architecture student) you should consider your glue options. this is prob the most important thing you'll have to decide on aside to what materials you're gonna use. i think ash said "f*ck" about a million times when she was making her model. she was introduced to this SUPER STRONG AND SUPER EVIL glue that literally bonds your pieces together in less than 2 secs. i'm not joking. AND DONT YOU DARE TOUCH IT EITHER COS YOU WILL DIE! OR SNIFF IT COS YOU WILL DIE AGAIN! IN FACT. you dont even have to sniff this glue, when you're gluing something a little fume is created and it slowly creeps up your nostrils and you only realise you've sniffed this POISONOUS GAS when you step back, and before you know it your eyes are watery and you're coughing blood out. THATS NOT THE WORST PART. THE WORST PART IS WHEN YOU LOOK DOWN AND YOU FIND OUT YOU'VE GOT BLOOD ON THE MODEL!!!! AT THIS POINT YOU FEEL WOOZY AND YOU FAINT. ONLY TO WAKE UP IN 2 SECS TO FIND THAT YOUR LIFE IS OFFICIALLY THE EPITOME OF MURPHY'S LAW.
hahaha CHILLAX. thats not how the model-making saga ends. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! THE POINT IS THAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED. WELL every bit is true except for the coughing blood out part. if that were to happen both ash and i would be dead and when ash's family finds us lying on the carpet next to a pool of blood, before they find the cause of death, they would too die from the fumes of the evil glue. if you havn't noticed, i just paralleled the situation to grey's episode of 'toxic blood'. ok back to the real story, the reason she said 'f*ck' so many times was because everytime when she'd try to glue two pieces together, if she didn't hold the pieces in the right place quick enough the glue would set and she wouldn't be able to re-shift it. this has caused more dramas than you can imagine. that, plus the fact that you cant have skin contact with this crazy glue... IT BURNS! unfortunately my index finger was the first casualty of it. i held my breath for 30secs thinking i was gonna die because IT BURNT like hell the first time. then afterwards you jus become immune *super being five* and we HAD to use that glue because of its instant bonding properties. anyway im sure you've heard enough tragedies about this glue. its a hero in its own right. oh you need to know its name. ZAP. im telling you so that when you come across this glue, you will slowly back away from it and run away. its like the VOLDEMORT equivalent except in the glue world.
i cant believe you just read allllllll that. YOU SHOULD BE STUDYING! WHOEVER YOU ARE. unless you do architecture and have only one exam to study for. or you are a child prodigy who has never studied for anything in your life. or you're just not a student. in our defence, you dont have to go thru evil glue dramas like us. and thats only like a fifth of what we went through. im too tired to tell you the fun stories now. blah
anyway what i REALLy wanted to blog about today was how much working at ESPRIT rocks. it is the ultimate retail job you could ask for. you get paid to TALK and re-fold clothes (which contrary to popular belief is NOT BORING. it is in fact THERAPEUTIC) and re-merchandise the store. which means you get to decide what item goes where and how you'd like it to look to the customers. retail is MUCH more than walking around tidying clothes and feeling bored. Sure, you get the occasional slow days where there really is NOTHING to do except walk around and laugh at people. But most of the time its a lot of fun. esp cos the ppl i work with are so great to work and have fun with. PLUS if you're lucky, you get to go to the CANDY BIN! candy bin is HEAVEN. all the candy you want- its there. plus more. and i visited brig at hay st today. MAN was it good to see her again. she will forever be the best manager to me. even though she isnt my manager anymore =(
BRIGID PAYZE WINS THE BEST MANAGER AWARD. AND SHE LOVES MEEEEEE! she used to always say i was her favourite. then again she prob said that to everyone. but who cares, no1 made her laugh like i did. i made 'that laugh' come out. it was crazy... no1 had ever heard that laugh before. it was like laughter at a whole new level.. she was laughing soooo hard and loud that she was almost gonna explode! im so serious. you need to see that laugh. its crazy in the coconut stuff! and oh-so-contaigous. even summer was crying in laughter. i was like wow chillaxx bro i aint that funny *snaps* *snaps* ok i didnt say that. i just had a puzzled face, and then felt embarrassed cos i made her laugh so hard.
seriously like go study?

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