Apparently there is a rule of thumb about ikea shopping that i was not aware of. DO NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER under any circumstance (not even if furniture turns you on) go shopping at ikea on a SATURDAY. ESP WHEN THEY ARE HAVING MAD SALES. i am so serious about this. if kids running around, parents yelling, babies crying, people shoving, trolleys running over your toes, having to dodge people every 2 secs is your cup of tea, then oh please, be ikea's guest. You'd be mad to even think about finding parking. IKEA ON A SATURDAY IS HELL!!! *cries* and its not evn worth going anymore. ALMOST EVERYTHING i went there to get was SOLD OUT. the only thing worth going for? their swedish meatballs..... man they are *drools* the best meatballs you'll ever taste. Those meatballs dont ever sell out. at least i think they dont.
ikea experience: 4/10 Luna Leederville experience: 10/10! hahah what an awesome place. Lil creatures: 2 thumbs down for strict ID check!
1 comment:
you think the ikea meatballs are good? try their 99c hotdogs. junk food yumminess. -luv spam
1 comment:
you think the ikea meatballs are good? try their 99c hotdogs. junk food yumminess. -luv spam
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