Friday, June 22, 2007


i dont usually endorse song covers. but CHAD & DAVE are simply AMAZING.

never thought i'd say this but.. this version is possibly better than JM's. well thats my opinion anyway. Waiting on the world to change is not one of my favs but thats just me. i think chad&dave's acoustic version rocks. aside that, dont even get me started on JM.. im just not gonna blog about him. theres too much to say. plus its not worth raving on about unless i know that we share the same appreciation for him. ok i'll say 2 words. Hip thrust. dont try youtubing it either, the clips are decieving! you'll only understand when/if you see him live.

Its so funny how people get soooo into the commenting on youtube. seriously like CHILLAX. say whatever you want but dont go around hating people just cos they dont share the same opinion as you? well they provide people like me with amusement. kudos to all you outspoken and strongly opinionated people! but youz are nowhere near as funny as THIS piss yourself laughing at this. trust meee! REALLLL FUNNY STUFF.

mann. jap people are just downright amusing. i heart jap people! what would the world be like without japs?! SONY would not exist, for one. not to mention MXC! and lots of other stuff. if i could be any other nationality it'd have to be japanese. the language is awesome and they are seriously funnyyy when they try to speak english. cheeeeesu!

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