*gasp* my brother just diagnosed me with CBS- Chronic Blogger Syndrome. He is so not a doctor yet! but seriously... a bigger conundrum is at hand. i'm gona be x pounds fatter by the time i finish watching all those shows.
Couch potato sessions:
Ugly Betty -check
Desp housewives -check
SCRUBS -double, triple, qaudriple check!
Everybody Hates Chris (this show is effin HIGHLARIOUS!) - watching in progress
Heroes - watching in progress
Lost - trying to get my hands on.
How i met your mother - watching in progress
Entourage - (ASHA is obv too love-struck to watch this with me. pfft siff boys)
I'm so loving our new broadband speed. if broadband was a guy i'd totally cheat on rekha and marry him. and send him red rosess. no chockies cos that'd make him fat and go slower. which means i'd love him less and that'd lead to a divorce. now would you rather him deprived of chocs or us getting a divorce? yeah, i thought so.
Ugly Betty -check
Desp housewives -check
SCRUBS -double, triple, qaudriple check!
Everybody Hates Chris (this show is effin HIGHLARIOUS!) - watching in progress
Heroes - watching in progress
Lost - trying to get my hands on.
How i met your mother - watching in progress
Entourage - (ASHA is obv too love-struck to watch this with me. pfft siff boys)
I'm so loving our new broadband speed. if broadband was a guy i'd totally cheat on rekha and marry him. and send him red rosess. no chockies cos that'd make him fat and go slower. which means i'd love him less and that'd lead to a divorce. now would you rather him deprived of chocs or us getting a divorce? yeah, i thought so.
ahaha i am very very very jealous of your couch potato session, however you should put in sex and the city. endless hours of entertainment! MISS YOU HEAPS!!! u free tues nite?! let's go see ocean's 13!!! hotness!!
-luv spam xoxo
just realised that comment makes me come across as a ditzy retard. how embarassing.
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