Sunday, October 28, 2007

hey now hey now

you have no idea how good this feels... just what made my day today? oh only EVERYTHING. first of all, an honourable mention to DANIEL JOHNS. he is a living legend, an amazing singer, entertainer/drunk person to watch. completely amusing. I HEART DANIEL JOHNS. HE IS PERFECTION. there i said it. i'll prob say it when i see some other cooler guy but hey, he is the man of the moment. savour it before some other guy comes and takes it away from him. having said that, HE STILL IS PERFECTION! thank you God for such wonderful creation, along with other cool things like rainbows and bridges and 8packs and beds and laptops and bedsocks and and jellycups and my mum. MY MUM TRUMPS ALL! and that is my second honourable mention.

3rd honourable mention goes to liz for coming to work with a hangover and laughing hysterically at everything i said. shes a funnay one! 4th honourable mention goes 2 my friends for dropping in at work! was today "funny day" or something? everything thats usually mundane seemed extra entertaining and funny. or mayb its just me.

5th and last honourable mention goes to SASINI. I DO NOT EAT MY OWN TOENAILS. SHE EATS SAND!! she admitted it to me i swear.

and a special freakin-awesome mention goes to Jesus. for being my everything that is and in between.

now can i get an award? it doesnt have to be pointy, just heavy will do. heaviness echoes importance.

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