i had a wierd dream last night. haha. it was one of those dreams that linger with you into the day. i cant wait for paydayyyyyyy! eeeeee. i have a song called "In your eyes" supposedly by Ben Harper. But it doesnt sound like ben harper at all. anyway it's a real sweet song. the picture i posted here, made me think about the 10 commandments in the bible. EXODUS chapter 20. i thought it was pretty cool that i was able to find the reference without an index or anything. *self five* anyway so i was reading it. and it says the 7th day is the sabbath (i think sabbath is such a cool word). and you're not supposed to work on the sabbath ie sunday. because God created the world in 6days, and he rested on the 7th day, thereby the sabbath. so like, i work on sundays.. am i not supposed to? lol. Am i being too literal? i think so.
i've been bombarded by several really hard questions this whole week. which were followed by a few rejections. eww hate rejecting things/people. its a big bad feeling. anyway those questions WERE SO HARD. no, im not talking about exam type questions. -but the type of questions that you ask yourself and you think so long and hard that you forget what the question was in the first place. then you give up. it remains unresolved till the question resurfaces and you attempt to answer it again, only to forget it again. its a vicious cycle, no? well i did try to answer their questions. but i dont think i did very well :( and it has left me feeling very unwise.
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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