I'M THINKING WE SHOULD STARE INSECURITY IN THE FACE AND BOLDLY PROCLAIM THIS: Our deepest fear should NOT be that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear should be that we are TOO POWERFUL...EVEN BEYOND MEASURE. It is our light, not our darkness, that should MOST frighten us and cause us to stand in AWE of God for His calling on our lives. BECAUSE with that LIGHT comes a MAJOR responsibility!!! We ask ourselves: WHO AM I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, WHO ARE YOU NOT TO BE? WE are the children of GOD. Our whimpy attempt at playing "small" doesn't serve the world. No one benefits when we HOLD BACK or SHRINK BACK because we don't feel that we are "anointed enough." IF WE LIVE RIGHT AND SELL OUT FOR HIM, WE WILL HAVE HIS FULL ANOINTING. There is no reason to shrink back any longer. Stand TALL and be what GOD created you to be! We were born to Manifest THE GLORY AND POWER OF GOD that is within us. It's not in SOME of us, it's in EVERYONE, and as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears, our PRESENCE automatically liberates others to worship and follow after Him. So...WALK gently, BREATHE peacefully, LAUGH hysterically, BE CHRISTLIKE. The watching WORLD depends on YOU (us)!
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