Thursday, November 29, 2007


Take out of your wasted honor
Every little best frustration
Take out all your so called problems
Better put them in quotations
Say what you need to say (8x)
Walking like a one man army
Fighting with the shadows in your head
Living out the same old moment
Knowing you’d be better off instead
If you could only
Say what you need to say (8x)
Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for getting older
You better know that in the end its better to say too much
Than never to say what you need to say again
Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open
Say what you need to say (20ishx)

Saturday, November 10, 2007


I'VE FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO! or Booo im bored... i cant decide. im pretty bored so im gonna go ahead and bore yall with the most interesting facts of my life right now which so happens to be not so interesting. i bought 2 raffle tickets for some family charity. anyway you get to win a volvo. i have a feeling...IM GONNA WIN IT!!!!!!! the draw is happening on 20nov. so yeah im counting down to the days i get to have my own car. 9 days and counting! moving on, i will be taking a shower at 735am tm morning. whoever happens to be having a shower at the same time, we can all salute to that. but lets shift to a more prevalent issue, i think about this EVERYDAY on the way to the city... WHO THE HELL CHANGES THE ROW OF FLAGS ON MOUNTS BAY ROAD?!?! omg ITS SO ANNOYING THAT I DONT KNOW. for all we know there could be like a timed machine that is so smart it is kept away in some storage room near mounts bay road and it unlocks the door with what fingers IT has then moves very secretively to the flag poles, somehow tries to camouflage itself amongst them, and magically changes the flags all in the matter of miliseconds. OR a FLAG MAN wakes up at 421am on a random day in a random week and picks a random flag and somehow manages his way up to the flagpoles and changes them! WHO DOES THAT?! AND HOW MUCH DOES HE GET PAID TO DO THAT!? WHO PAYS HIM?! AND WHERE DOES HE SLEEP!? WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE!? DOES HE HAVE A STASH OF FLAGS IN HIS HOUSE DATING BACK TO THE 80's!?! DOES HE USE THE FLAGS AS TABLE CLOTHS AND TOWELS?! COS I WOULD. does he have a beard?! there is only one way to find out.. i will have to sleep by the poles to watch what happens. maybe i will record it and make a documentary out of it. "Flags by mounts bay rd, your wildest questions answered." yes that will be the tagline.

for those who have witnessed such sacred practices, feel free to end the mystery.

Monday, October 29, 2007


will some please fix my internet? its permanently RETARDED which has resulted in me leaching the internet off my bro's and sis's laptops. it becomes a 2-star service. and its just not enof@! im gonna call iinet tmw, if they dont fix it, i will die.

i repeat, i will die.

i feel deprived of my endless hours of browsage on youtube and god knows where else. ps. watch justin timberlake on snl on youtube, its funny as hell!

im so tired. daylight savings sucks.

story of my life.


Sunday, October 28, 2007

hey now hey now

you have no idea how good this feels... just what made my day today? oh only EVERYTHING. first of all, an honourable mention to DANIEL JOHNS. he is a living legend, an amazing singer, entertainer/drunk person to watch. completely amusing. I HEART DANIEL JOHNS. HE IS PERFECTION. there i said it. i'll prob say it when i see some other cooler guy but hey, he is the man of the moment. savour it before some other guy comes and takes it away from him. having said that, HE STILL IS PERFECTION! thank you God for such wonderful creation, along with other cool things like rainbows and bridges and 8packs and beds and laptops and bedsocks and and jellycups and my mum. MY MUM TRUMPS ALL! and that is my second honourable mention.

3rd honourable mention goes to liz for coming to work with a hangover and laughing hysterically at everything i said. shes a funnay one! 4th honourable mention goes 2 my friends for dropping in at work! was today "funny day" or something? everything thats usually mundane seemed extra entertaining and funny. or mayb its just me.

5th and last honourable mention goes to SASINI. I DO NOT EAT MY OWN TOENAILS. SHE EATS SAND!! she admitted it to me i swear.

and a special freakin-awesome mention goes to Jesus. for being my everything that is and in between.

now can i get an award? it doesnt have to be pointy, just heavy will do. heaviness echoes importance.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Its amazing how God sends people into your life to speak to you about certain things. It really works. Your bestfriend could've been saying the same thing to you all this time, but your mind would remain in that same stagnent position. Come the person that God sent to speak to you, your mind immediately unlocks. its free of everything you were so webbed up within. There's really no better way. Sometimes you just need to hear what you've always known from the right person to see the bigger picture. amazingmando!

Thats all folks.

Monday, September 17, 2007



i had an epiphany today.

a brilliant one.

a goosebumpy one.

in the supermarket (COLES duh. where else would i shop? woolworths ppl are effin rude, IGA well its iga)


OMG. i know!!?! how awesome is this idea. you dont needa tell me twice .. ingenius! i know.

ok so i know you're thinking "what about all the food that goes un-eaten and expired?"

WELL. i'd get my people to keep records of my stock and every month or so they'd replace the old products with the new. as to the old products, i'd get them to donate them to local charities. thats a whole lot of food to go around y'all!

of course, this super-pantry will be open to alllllllll my friends afar and near. i mean, you just cant overlook the convenience here. when you're cooking, the thought of having whatever you want, whenever you want is so god damn sweet. and lets not forget that everything in there is free!!!! =D well prepaid. same thing. when you're rich. did someone say trolley race? oh yes, they will be plenty of that.

imagine. waking up in the morning, walking to your pantry and feeling depressed at what it contains, then opening your fridge. its the same old scene. zzzz BEHOLD. with the new and improved SUPER-PANTRY you could have every other cereal you wish you had in your pantry. every other spread, every other type of bread, every other cake, every other EVERYTHING! AND THATS JUST THE BEGINNING. cravings? just walk to your super pantry. fresh produce? less than a drive away. you get the gist.

here's another thought. super-pantry + lots of friends = party= SUPERMARKET THEMED PARTY! and we'll go with radio music this time. just this once.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Worldwide protests put focus on Darfur

Protests are to take place in 30 countries in the coming hours to highlight the crisis in the Sudanese region of Darfur, where at least 200,000 people have died in more four and a half years of conflict.

A demonstration is due to be held in London, and other events are scheduled from Vancouver to Accra.

Under the slogan "Don't Look Away" organisers of today's protests are demanding action from world leaders when they meet at the United Nations General Assembly next week.

Simultaneously a letter focussing on the murder and rape of Darfur's women has been released by well known personalities, including the actresses Cate Blanchett and Mia Farrow.

The demonstrations come at a critical time.

Peace talks are planned to be held in Libya and the Sudanese government has promised a ceasefire, once negotiations are underway.

British Govt hopeful

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown described Darfur as "one of the great tragedies of our time".

But he told the BBC he believed that there was now a real chance of a settlement.
Mr Brown says he is encouraged by three factors: peace talks due next month, the offer of a ceasefire by Sudan, and the planned deployment of a hybrid African Union-United Nations peacekeeping force.

He says Sudan now has to honour its promises.

"If that were to happen, we'd be prepared to give economic assistance so that the people of Darfur were in a better position and we can start to rebuild," he said.

"If it doesn't happen however, and all the promises are not honoured, then I think we've got to be pretty clear.

"That's why I've said, and I believe other countries will say, if it doesn't work and we find that the government of Sudan is not making the changes necessary then we will have to move to further sanctions."